Our Constitution

(as revised June 2010)


  1. Name: Churches Together in Reading


  1. Basis: Churches Together in Reading unites in pilgrimage those churches and associated bodies in Reading which acknowledge God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures and in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church which is his body and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


  1. Association: Churches Together in Reading shall be associated with Churches Together in Berkshire and with Churches Together in England.


  1. Aims: 

a) To promote the fullness of unity in the Church.

b) To co-ordinate the ecumenical work of Associated Bodies (Note 2) and of Local Geographical Areas or CT groups (Note 4).

c) To facilitate united worship witness and training suited to the needs and opportunities of changing circumstances.


  1. Membership: 

a) All churches in the area which affirm the Basis and desire to promote the Aims and share the work of Churches Together in Reading.

b) Any local church which on principle has no creedal statements in its tradition and therefore cannot formally subscribe to the statement of faith in the Basis provided that it satisfies 75% in number of those full member churches which subscribe to the Basis that it manifests faith in Christ as witnessed to in the Scriptures and is committed to the aims and purposes of Churches Together in Reading and that it will work in the spirit of the Basis.

c) Representatives from Associated Bodies of Churches Together in Reading.

d) Representatives from other Christian bodies may be invited to attend meetings as observers.


  1. Meetings: 

There shall be an annual meeting at which Officers and Executive members shall be elected, reports of Churches Together in Reading, Local Geographical Areas or CT groups and Associated Bodies shall be received, accounts shall be presented and subscription rates determined. Other meetings may be called by the Executive for business purposes or in accordance with the Aims.

There shall be no fixed number to constitute a quorum and all who attend shall be entitled to vote.

At any meeting the Chairperson shall not be bound to put to the vote any resolution of which less than fourteen days written notice has been given to the Secretary with the names of the mover and seconder.


  1. Officers:

The Officers shall be the Chairperson, who shall also be Chairperson of the Executive, the Treasurer, one or more Vice-Chairpersons and one or more Secretaries, all of whom shall be elected for one year.

The Treasurer and Secretary / Secretaries shall not usually serve more than three consecutive terms, but the term of office for any of the officers may be extended by a year annually at the discretion of the Executive or AGM.


  1. Executive: The Executive shall consist of:

The Executive shall consist of:

a) The Officers of Churches Together in Reading

b) One leader of each Denomination represented in the membership of Churches Together in Reading

c) One representative of each Associated Body (see Note 2)

d) One representative of each Local Geographical Area or CT group

e) Up to three co-opted members

The functions of the Executive shall be:

a) To carry out the Aims of Churches Together in Reading

b) To appoint temporary sub-committees or individuals to act for CTR as required

c) To make recommendations regarding groups of churches and/or individual congregations seeking membership, and the establishment and/or acceptance of Associated Bodies and Local Geographical Areas or CT Groups, their constitution and financial provision as necessary.

d) To appoint representatives on outside bodies.

e) To fill casual vacancies until the following annual meeting

f) To maintain links with Churches Together in Berkshire and with Churches Together in England.


  1. Officers’ Meeting:

The officers may meet as and when necessary between Executive meetings to take such actions as are needed to implement the decisions and policies of the Executive and AGM.


  1. Finance

a) Each local Churches Together group shall pay an annual subscription at a rate per church as agreed at the annual meeting.

b) Churches from each Local Geographical Area may subscribe individually directly to CTR. The rates per church will agreed at the annual meeting. CTR will contribute from these subscriptions to CTB, the amount to be agreed at the annual meeting.

c) Other income may also be received as appropriate to the Aims (e.g. Sale of Directories, collections at Services etc.).

d) The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of all transactions, which shall be independently examined prior to the annual meeting.

e) The accounting year shall be 1st May to 30th


  1. Amendments:

Amendments to this Constitution may be made at an annual meeting provided that the Secretary receives such proposal in writing not less than twenty-eight days prior to the annual meeting. Any amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.

Signed:  Chairman    June 2010


Notes and Definitions


1 The Subcommittees of CTR are: Churches Together in the Work place and Focus Group ( formerly Regenerate Core Group) and Environment Group.

2 The Associated Bodies of CTR are: Causeway Prospects, Christian Community Action, CIRDIC, Reading‑Düsseldorf Churches Interchange, the Women’s Centre, Christian Aid and Reading YMCA, Corrymeela.

3. The Denominations represented are: Baptist, Church of England, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, United Reformed Church and Society of Friends.

4. A Local Churches Group shall be defined as either:

a) A local Churches Together group (a CT Group).

b) A group of churches within an area of Reading, co-operating together (Local Geographical Area).


The local Churches Together groups are:

Caversham, Earley & East Reading.

Local Geographical Areas are:

West of Reading (including Tilehurst)

South Reading,

Central Reading.



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Published: 25 June 2024