AGM 2023 – Held July 2024

The AGM in 2023 was held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at Grange United Reformed Church, Reading

Minutes of the AGM


Michael Penny (Chair, CTR), Graham Fuller (Treasurer, CTR), Graham Bishop (Assistant Treasurer, CTR), Rev. Robert Barthram (URC & Chair of CT in West Reading & Tilehurst), Christine Munday (The Mustard Tree), Stephen Newbury (Rise Theatre), Siobhan Antoniou (URC)


Una Chandler (Chaplain, RBC). Mabel Boyd (Vice-Chair CTR & CIRDIC), Revd Julia Binney (Vice-Chair CTR & Abbey Baptist), David Shaw (Wesley Methodist), Patricia Vella (CCA).

1. Reading & Open Prayer
Mike read from Philippians 4:6-10 and mentioned how important it is to be thankful in prayer to focus on all the good things in this life, and prayed along those lines.

2. Elections
The current officers are:
Michael Penny (Chair, CTR), Mabel Boyd (Vice-Chair, CTR); Julia Binney (Vice Chair, CTR), Graham Fuller (Treasurer, CTR), Graham Bishop (Assistant Treasurer, CTR).

Robert Barthram proposed they should be re-elected, Christine Munday seconded; and it was carried unanimously.
The position of secretary is still vacant.

3. Minutes of the Last Meetings
Minutes of the Executive Meeting of CTR (26/1/23) plus minutes of Churches Together in the Centre of Reading (6/2/23) were read; There were no matters arising.

Christine Munday proposed they should be approved and Siobhan Antoniou seconded. It was carried unanimously.

4. Items for Any Other Business
There were none.

5. Treasurer’s Report
Graham Fuller presented the accounts showing a bank balance of £1,413.55. (Copy of the account in attached file ‘Reports’). The accounts to be accepted, subject to the Independent

Examiner’s report. Proposed by Siobhan Antoniou; seconded by Stephen Newberry. Carried unanimously.
Graham Fuller proposed that the subscription rate for the coming year should remain at £25 per church. Seconded by Stephen Newbury. Carried unanimously.

6. Written and Verbal Reports

  • Chairman’s Report – Michael Penny (Copy in the attached file ‘Reports’)
  • Churches Together in Tilehurst, Southcote and West reading – Rev Robert Barthram (Copy in the attached file ‘Reports’)
  • Mustard Tree – Christine Munday (Copy in the attached file ‘Reports’)
  • Rise Theatre – Stephen Newbury (Copy in the attached file ‘Reports’)

7. Gift to Salvation Army Fellowship Band
The Pentecost Praise Service in Christchurch Meadows was a great success and the music was provided by the Salvation Army Fellowship Band, made up of members from various places. It was suggested that CTR make a donation of £100 to help with travel expenses.

Proposed by Robert Barthram; seconded by Christine Mundey; carried unanimously.

8. The CTR Website
Development of this has stalled. Graham Fuller to contact Alison Johnston about the provision of new website.

9. Any other business
There was none.

10. Date of the next meeting
12.30 – 2.30 at Grange United Reformed Church on Thursday January 25th 2024. A light lunch will be provided.

11. Concluding Prayer
Robert Barthram closed the meeting in prayer.


Below are links to download copies of the Minutes of the AGM and finance report for 2023

Minutes of the AGM 2023

CTR Financial Statement 2023-24